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Page 1: [ Team up ] [ Move List ]

Page 2: [ Sound Bits ] [ Ending ]



Sound Bits of King in KOF '99



- (takes a glass of wine and drink some)

     - One of her waitresses hands her a cup of wine.


Related title: View Animated GIF in Animated GIF - Starting Pose.

Vs. Ryo Sakazaki

- Kizasshi buri ni...tanoshiimusou ne.

     - Haven't seen you for a long time. Hope you like it.

     - Starts with wearing a hat with her eyes closed, then she opens her eyes with a smile and throws her hat horizontally to Ryo.

Vs. Bao

- Bao: Iroiro oshiete kudasai, ne?

     - Bao: Please teach me (lots of things/many different things), ok?

     - Bao scratches the back of his head, looks down nervously, and smiles while saying this. This is intro of Bao with any females in KOF '99. 


- Come on Baby!

     - She turned to the opposite side, holds one arm up while beckoning her opponent with the other hand on her hip.

Phrases During Moves

- Venom Strike!

- Tornado Kick!

- Trap Shot!

- Double Strike!

- Surprise Rose!

- Ikuyo!

     - Here I go!

     - During Illusion Dance

- Kore de owari yo

     - It's over

     - During Silent Flash

- Mikirerukai?

     - Can you think what I'm going to do?

     - During Miracle Dance

Recovery Roll

- Mada, mada!

     - Not yet!

Striker Call

- Come on Baby!

     - She holds one arm up and snaps her finger, beckoning her opponent while the other hand on her hip.

Winning Poses

- Hmph! Nasakenai!

     - Hmph! Pitiful! / Hmph! Pathetic! / What a pity to be weak!

     - after she tosses out a handkerchief.

- Tanoshikatta wa, mata oide!

     - That was fun, come again.

     - Smells a rose then throws it towards the opponent.

- (loosening her bow tie)

     - close her eyes, loosening her bow tie, runs her hand through her hair and then looking downwards while sighs. 

Loss to time

- Stands with hands on hips looking down.


- "Uwaaaaaa!"

Ending Quote

- I said don't mess with me. Now get lost, limpy!




Ending of Female Fighters Team in KOF '99

Team members: King, Blue Mary, Kasumi Todoh, Li Xiang Fei


Xiang Fei

How far down are we going?


Beats me...

At Heidern’s Commander Room


...Answer. Answer me! Ralf? Clark? Come in!

It's no good...

They've been down how long?

Exactly three minutes.


Unidentified craft reported. They're all over the world...

and they're on move!


What're you saying?


Their intention's unknown. Here's the satellite image.



It's...Kyo Kusanagi!


We managed to get this. Taken at the landing field.

It's the same phenomenon. Confirmed in every country. KOF must be a front. Kusanagi. In every location? At the same time? Bizarre... Get in touch with Ralf! Where was contact lost?

At Site...

Site vector 70599.


Finally, we've stopped.


How far down are we?

Xiang Fei

Beats me... What the?!...


Sorry for the wait. Let the finals begin.


What is this?


Dunno. But it's an offer... ...We can't refuse, I'm sure.

After Defeating Krizalid I

Battle data download... Complete!


Thanks for your cooperation.


Cooperation? Who are you?


I am Krizalid. I've downloaded your data... For use in our weapons.


Data? Weapons? I thought this was KOF?


I used the name KOF... ...To summon you here.



All squads in position.


Good. Subdue Kusanagi. Deploy Axe squad at the site. I will follow shortly.


Commander! Listen. We recorded this at the site! The satellite caught this...


On speakers!


How did you do it? The data download! How?


During the last battle. It was sent through my body.


For what purpose?


To activate our clones. In one unified attack! Just look at this!


Why, it's... ...Kyo Kusanagi!


Actually, he's a clone. Taken after the Orochi battle. The real one eluded us. Placed in major cities... ...They'll seize the world. And our Cartel will rule!


Say what?


But for their activation... ...We must input trigger data.

Xiang Fei

Trigger data?


Yes. The killer instinct. You will provide it.

Battle with Kusanagi Kyo after Defeating Krizalid II


Ooh, this looks interesting. There's something. I must ask you. Battle those here and I'll answer you...


Why, that guy's... Kyo Kusanagi!


Ok. It's a pain... But I'll play along.

After Defeating Kyo


What are you trying to do? Draining people's strength? Answer me!

(N.E.S.T. Cartel)

Harvesting power for conquest! All this will full our ambition! K was the clone who showed power rivaling yours...


Don't kid yourselves, fiends!

(N.E.S.T. Cartel)

With your power, we can hasten our plan by 10 years! Thank you, and goodbye... Kyo Kusanagi...



At the Team …

All of them will run escape. At the end, you will see they all eat together while Xiang Fei eats her favorite food, the 'Dim-Sum' like crazy. And then King asks her whether she got a money for pay all what she has eaten or not, then Xiang Fei shows her wallet, then... she don't have any money... then all of them worked at that restaurant to pay for the meal!


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