King Fights Again (Chapter 4)


King didn't have a lot of time to find sufficient information regarding her deadly opponents and besides she didn't know where to find them. She brooded for a while and then she remembered that she knew a cop in Hong Kong named Chin who could help her; after all, she thought, most of the fighters are killers and she might be one of the most wanted by the local police. So she phoned the HKPD and asked if she could speak with Mr. Chin Gentsai.


After a while she could talk to him about the whole matter. Chin revealed her that Shiva was a mercenary fighter, one of the cruelest warriors in the world, she was experienced in many kinds of martial arts; in particular, Kung-fu, and kickboxing. Many of those who had dared challenge her were now rottening in their graves. Chin warned King not to fight against her; this time it could be her last match. King thanked Chin for helping her and for his warnings, but she didn't want to give up before fighting ."After all, she thought, it's going to be my first real match vs. a worthy opponent!"


King came back to the dojo and, there, while sitting on a bench, she tried to relax and to think of nothing, whereas on the ring other two fighters, John the bone breaker and Vice, the Orochi girl were facing each other. Vice unleashed all her Orochi powers, but she wasn't so strong as Iori "the mad" Yagami and her opponent 's kicks were fast enough to defeat her. " If I win my next match, I'll revenge you" she said to her old friend. "Oh, thanks, King, good luck!" was Vice's reply.


Minutes passed slowly, but at last her match was announced, she jumped onto the ring. From her opponent's corner there came a sadistic female laughter and a few seconds later a beautiful, slender Oriental girl appeared. She was wearing a red shirt and silken trousers of the same color, she was barefoot. The bell rang and the match began .



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