King's Holiday (Chapter 2)


After taking her second important revenge, King now felt  she really needed to relax. But after what had happened, she agreed with Mai and Yuri to leave Thailand as soon as possible. "Bye, bye sighed a distressed Mai and then she asked King: "Well, where shall we go now, Kingy?"


"What about going to Italy?" replied King. Her two friends screamed with joy "You're a genius, King," said Mai, "This's really a good idea!" "Oh yes added Yuri, Italy's such an enchanting place to visit. It's the homeland of art and besides the Italian men are utterly romantic."


"Even too much," objected King. But her words were useless. Both Mai and Yuri had already entered their romantic dream world and had begun to talk about the beautiful Italian machos they would have met there. "Good grief," sighed King, "they are still so naive!"


The three friends realized they could visit only one Italian town. They had to make a choice and very quickly too, since their holidays couldn't last forever. Finally they decided to visit Venice. King phoned Danieli hotel and booked a large room for her and for her two friends.

Once they arrived, a water taxi took them to their hotel. The landscape which appeared before their eyes a few minutes later was simply breathtaking. The sun was shining on the pink marble and on the ancient windows  of the Doges' Palace. The three girls were stunned. They bought a map of the town, but they were disappointed, as they looked at the huge maze of streets ( called "calli" )  


"By Jove," said Mai, "this town is a real labyrinth, we'd better stay together or else we'll get lost." "You're right, Mai!" King replied. "Ok," added Yuri, "What're we waiting for? This town's so magical, and it's waiting for us. Let's go!"


The first building they visited was St. Mark's cathedral where they admired the wonderful golden mosaics , then they visited the Doges' Palace. There were so many rooms that at the end of their visit they were really exhausted. So they decided to sit and rest near  an old well  which was just in the center of the palace's courtyard They stayed there for a while and shortly afterwards a handsome tall young man approached them.


"Good afternoon, my ladies. My name's Roberto Garzio!" Mai and Yuri opened their eyes wide in order to admire that Italian hunk.
"Wow, he' such a macho man, don't you agree with me, King?" said Yuri.
"Shut up, Yuri," replied King. "Forgive her, Sir, she's still a foolish little girl,... before you ask us whether we need your help, I grant you everything's all right. So don't worry about us, we can take after ourselves!"


Garzio was surprised by King's reply but then he said to her: "Well, uh, you're a very tough girl , miss.... er"
"My name is King" she replied.
"Enchantè" he replied and kissed King's hand. King couldn't help blushing but then her face became stern, as she noticed that a strange symbol was tatooed on Mr. Garzio's left hand. It looked like a spider.


She was sure she had already seen it during one of her countless fights, but she couldn't remember when and where. Garzio suddenly asked her: "May I invite you and your two friends  in my palace on the Grand Canal? It will be a great honor and a greater pleasure for me."


"Ok, I accept," replied King, she thought to herself "So I'll find out who you are."
"Mai, Yuri, you're coming with me too, aren't you?" King asked her two friends.
"Oh sure, King," said Mai. "You can count on me too," was Yuri's awkward reply.
"All right, very well," said Garzio "I'll call my chaffeur who'll  take us to my palace."


About an hour later the four people were quietly sitting around a large table in a wide hall decorated with very old frescoes. Yuri  Mai and their host were merrily sipping champagne; whereas King was suspiciously looking at Garzio, she was still trying to remember where she had already seen that spider. All of a sudden she heard a heavy thump. Mai and Yuri were lying asleep on the floor of the room.


"Mai, Yuri, what's the matter? You drugged them, didn't you? Who're you, cursed devil?"
"Ha, ha ha. You're very clever, Miss King. I have been following you since you arrived here You were trying to make out where you had already seen this symbol on my left hand, weren't you? Perhaps you'll remember everything better, if I tell you my father's name. His name was Mario Johann Garzio better known as Krauser."


King remained quiet, even if the name she had just heard, made her blood boil in her veins. She remembered defeating that cruel man a few years before and Southtown had become a quieter place since then. "You cruel bastard, she furiously shouted. You want to take a revenge upon me, don't you? Well here I am, but you shouldn't have drugged my  younger friends. Now you'll have to pay for all this!"


But as she was saying these last words, Garzio pushed a button on the table and the lights went out, she heard him laugh and  then he said: "You'll have to fight against Helena before. If you win, I'll be happy to kill you."
"Where are you, vile snake?!! Come out and fight, if you dare!!!"


All of a sudden the great hall began to spin around itself and King soon found herself in a larger room. At one of its corners there sat on an  old armchair a wonderful tall brown skinned girl "I'm waiting for you," she said, "I'll be happy to kill you." The athletic, slender and muscled girl executed few back somersaults and she soon reached the center of the room just a few steps away from King.


The Lady of Muetai realized her opponent was really tough this time. She was as tall as her, she was wearing a brown bikini, her agile feet were naked. King tried to mock her in order to make her lose her patience and she asked her: "Why don't you work in a circus, your jumps are really matchless... just think of those who'll applaud you and say: "Look at her! She's the best jumper in the world, someday or another she'll jump so high that she'll reach the moon !!"


Helena remained motionless and coldly replied "My name is Helena. I've been trained in the Amazonian jungle. Be careful, fear me, nobody has ever survived my deadly python like grasps until now. I'm going to choke you!" "Don't try to scare me, Helena, don't speak too much and fight! "replied King, who assumed her fighting stance.


A few seconds later King unexpectedly kicked Helena's face very hard "Come on, baby, get up!" King said to her. The brown skinned girl in fact had fallen on the floor but she quickly stood up, she cruelly smiled and said: "It seems I've undervalued you, but now you'll  taste my real power. Helena jumped backward and clenched King's head between her mighty ankles, she was going to choke King who realized she had to react quickly, so she punched hard Helena's ankles. Helena tried to resist, but King's blows were really strong and she had to release her tight grasp.


King immediately tried to counterattack, but the Brazilian girl's agility was incredible and she kicked King's midsection with both feet, and then she punched her nose. King moaned, her nose was bleeding, but before she could react another violent kick reached her breasts and she fell, badly injuring her left shoulder. Helena was now pressing her left naked foot on King's stomach and she hysterically yelled: " Now I'll finish you!!" But King managed to catch her foot and she slammed Helena on the floor.


"Ok, now I've had enough, come on, stand up, and taste my rage!!" replied King furiously.
Helena had twisted her left wrist after the fall, but she managed to stand up all the same
"You haven't won yet!" screamed Helena who desperately launched a series of powerful kicks King succeeded in blocking. Helena was exhausted by now, King noticed it and after recollecting all her strength. She violently punched Helena's face several times until it became a mask of blood. Helena could barely stand on her legs now.


"Helena," King addressed to her, "You've been a worthy opponent, but I cannot spare you." King executed a deadly and powerful Trap Shot which crushed Helena's abdomen and then another kick finished her m hitting her throat. Helena fell lifeless on the ground.
"Bravo, Miss King!!! exclaimed Garzio's voice as he entered the room, but can you stop the bullets of my gun too?"

"Why don't you try me, coward?" Garzio was going to shoot, but King's feet were faster and she disarmed him with a powerful kick. Garzio became furious and said :"I can kill you even without a gun, I'll strangle you!!"


He tried to clench King 's neck but she lowered herself and she violently punched his groin. Garzio knelt screaming with pain and he begged King to spare him. "I'm not going to spare you, you are a vile reptile," and she finished him repeatedly kneeing his stomach. Garzio's eyes rolled and then he fell dead.


King went out of the room in order to find out where Yuri and Mai were. Luckily she soon found them still asleep on a sofa. Garzio wasn't interested in them. He only wanted to see King dead. King woke them up. Yuri yawned and asked King: "Hey, what happened?? I cannot remember anything. But you're bleeding, King! "Are you okay, my friend?" Mai asked her.

"Yes, I'm fine. Garzio was Krauser's son, he wanted to kill me to revenge his father. now they are burning in hell together. Come on, let's go out of this palace. The three girls ran out of the palace, they reached their hotel and the following day they decided to go back to Southtown.


"Well girls," said King, "No more holidays," and she heartily laughed.



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