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1st meeting of Ryo and King
- King refuses to use her real name, she prefers to be called as "King". But if Ryo and King really wed, will King uses back her female French name, and become Mrs. Sakazaki?
Debate of Jean or Jan
- she will do everything for Jean, even betrayal to her friends (according to HK comic) - King always have to work for Jean's school fee. In which school does Jean study in?
About her Bar
- some source said that her bar was wrecked before and then she set up another bar in Southtown. Is that bar been wrecked by herself or by others? (well she'd better buy an insurance in this case)
- if King's latest bar is opened in Southtown. In KOF 2000 the Zero Cannon blasted on Southtown, then king's bar will probably be wrecked again. (then she'll have to buy insurance from an International Company. Does the insurance covers: space based weapon annihilation?)
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