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[ Moves of King ] [ Appearance of Moves (takes time to download)]
Thanks to Yu Lew and C'Aso~ro~Chi for allowing me to refer their FAQs on King.
List of MovesNormal MoveSpecial Move
Command Attack
* cancelable in Counter Mode
Beat the Bosses
Normal MoveStanding AA quick jab. Good for standing pokes or combos good range.
Standing BLooks like the venom strike special move without the fireball. It is very quick but misses crouching blockers. Effective to counter oncoming attackers on the ground.
Standing CLooks like a jab. Fairly quick and good damage. Effective to counter oncoming attackers on the ground with greater damage than Standing B. One of a few characters that has a very strong standing C attack like Kyo Kusanagi's.
Standing D view animated gifA good roundhouse kick. Perfect for oncoming jumpers. Also useful to finish of the opponent in the corner, but misses crouching blockers (except tall guys). (if used too often this is called the scrubby way, or some say dirty way of playing King)
Close AQuick elbow (comboable)
Close BQuick low shin kick (comboable)
Close CUpper elbow to the face (comboable). It misses crouching blockers (except tall guys).
Close D(2
hit roundhouse) Good for combos (comboable and 2nd hit can be also
Crouching AQuick low jab (comboable). Good for poking.
Crouching BQuick low short kicks (comboable). Great for poking and combos.
Crouching CAn
upwards punch (anti-air attack) perfect for oncoming jumpers. One of a few
characters that has a very strong crouching C attack like Kyo Kusanagi's.
Crouching D view animated gifA low roundhouse kick. Good damage. And good range too.
CD Attack view animated gifSomewhat
like the standing B kick except the kick hits the midsection. Good against low
attackers like Benimaru Nikaido's "Shinkuu Katategoma" (
Jumping AA jumping punch with the fist at an angle.
Jumping BA
great jumping kick (great against Clark's jumping D) where King kicks
Jumping CLooks like the jumping A but stronger. Can be combo starter.
Jumping DA normal jump kick that kicks downwards, good combo starter.
Jumping CD view animated gifAn overhead jump kick, has priority over almost all jump kicks (with the exception of King's jumping B and Clark's jumping D) One of King's best normal moves.
Hop KickDescription:King hops forward with a overhead kick.
Purpose:Hits low blockers. Can hit the standing opponent too.
Slide KickDescription:A Low slide kick, like Baseball slide kick.
Purpose:Goes under fireballs. Must be blocked crouching.
Notes:Can be used to hit the opponent who is trying to shoot a projectile towards you, like Krizalid (1st form) in KOF '99 and Omega Rugal in KOF '98.
Venom StrikeDescription:A Fireball (It travels like Sie Kensou's Fireball, not like Iori Yagami's) in AOF, AOF2, KOF '94 & KOF '95: the fireball goes until full screen. others: B version - only goes half a screen, slower version. D version - goes until full screen, faster version. Purpose:Of course, the purpose of a fireball: keep away. (Or you may want to wake up an idle K' in KOF '99).
Notes:Try mixing up this move with the Double Strike and play around with the slower and faster version. Sometimes people will mistake one for another. If you expect the opponent to jump after this, use the Tornado Kick. It's a great move to knock the opponent back if you don't want to have them at close range.
cancelable in Counter Mode
Double StrikeDescription:A double Fireball. in AOF2, KOF '94, KOF '95, KOF '99 & KOF 2000: Both fireball goes until full screen. others: B version - first fireball goes half a screen, then the second goes till full screen. D version - both fireball goes until full screen. Purpose:Well, it's almost the same as venom strike, to keep away. Not many characters have double fireballs anyway.
Notes:Try mixing up this move with the venom strike. Sometimes people will mistake one for another and get hit twice, and it's also good for combo's. If you expect the opponent to jump after this, use the Tornado Kick. To use with combos, use the full screen version to get more damage. Do remember that the recovery time for double strike is much longer than Venom Strike from KOF '96 onwards. Might get punished if it is done very close to a blocked opponent.
cancelable in Counter Mode for 1st hit
MoshuuKyaku (Fury Kick)Description:in AOF: Multiple kick ending in Roundhouse Kick. others: Multiple kick ending in standing B kick.
Purpose:Can be used when opponent is near or just to keep them away.
Notes:Not a very useful kick, hard to combo either. Already disappeared since KOF '95.
Surprise RoseDescription:An anti-air 4 hitter. C button version brings King up further to attack with. in KOF '96 till '98: King goes up for 2 hits, and then she goes down at you for 2 hits for both A and C version. in KOF '99: King goes up for 2 hits in both A and C version, but then she goes down for 3 hits for A version, and goes down for 4 hits for C version. If she doesn't hit the opponent for the first 2, it will be added in for the last 2.
Purpose:If you hit the opponent on the ground it might lead to you crossing up. or if the first knee hits, it knocks your opponent up for the full 4 hits. It has an average anti-air priority.
A button Surprise Rose leaves you on the ground a little before the opponent
hits the ground. Thus if you're in the corner, a Tornado Kick (revised version)
is the best follow-up (since the combo damage it does is pretty nice).
Notes:A very unique anti-air move that is very weak in comparison to most moves, but it is very effective when you learn its timing. Use this attack if you want to do tick damage to your enemy. The C version can avoid most of the fireballs, like Krizalid's Typhoon Rage (but will leave you very open for his following attacks if missed or blocked). For anti-air purpose, try to use A button version.
Trap ShotDescription:Flip kick. If it connects, she follows up with multiple kicks, ending with a powerful roundhouse kick which looks like standing B attack. in KOF '96: does a 5 hits attack for both B and D version. in KOF '97: does a 7 hits attack for both B and D version. in KOF '98 & KOF '99: does a 12 hits attack for both B and D version. Purpose:The Trap Shot is great for combo's and draining. You can use it to drain your opponent's energy and fill up your power gauge quickly (in KOF '97, it alone can fill up to 1/3 of your power gauge). Be careful in using this move without combos and be sure to know when your opponent will attack, or else you'll know why it's so painful to miss. Can use the flip kick of it as anti-air, but without the anti-air priority. One thing that the most useful way of this move is, it can help you to get out if you are cornered (even the computers are also using this move to do so.)
Notes:This move has been revamped since '96 version (more and more hits makes it looks good) and is a very useful move indeed. Only that in KOF '97, it will continue hitting even if blocked, leaves you open to any attacks from air and fireballs. Others will only does a flip kick if blocked.
This move does good damage if it hits, but otherwise it's completely useless. If you catch someone with the crescent, then you've done some decent damage to the guy. You will only get punished if you use this up close to your opponent, so if only the flip kick touches your opponent you're still safe from a lot of low sweeps.
Miracle KickDescription:in KOF '96: King runs up to the opponent (even if full screen) and hits for 4 hits. others: King moves forward to the opponent (about half a screen) and hits for 4 hits.
Purpose:Useful to drain an opponents energy, but can be quite dangerous if blocked. It leaves you at a safe distance from a lot of characters' low sweeps, and has a good recovery time. Another thing, this move is very comboable!
Notes:Use it only when you expect the opponent to block (or if you anticipate him/her getting hit by it). Mainly because her startup is so predictable, you will have trouble using the Miracle Kick from a distance. If the opponent blocks all 4 attacks follow up with a Trap Shot. (the Mirage Kick leaves you at such a safe distance that you are safe from punishment)
In KOF '96, King losses her Tornado Kick (horizontal version), but gained these move: Miracle Kick as well as the anti-air, revised version of Tornado Kick.
cancelable in Counter Mode except the last hit
Miracle DanceDescription:An unblockable move that hits 5 times (like Andy's/Ryo's/Robert's grab)
Purpose:It acts like a grab without the missing grab animation. A great move to attack turtler's with.
is one of the most overused moves with King (which makes it one of her strongest
moves). Please use it once in a while against opponents because it can be used
repeatedly. (CHEAP!!)
cancelable in Counter Mode on the first two hits
Tornado Kick (horizontal version)Description:A 2
hit charging kick that makes King travel across the screen quickly. in AOF2: flying 2-hit kicks horizontally. in KOF '94, KOF '99 & KOF 2000: first hit goes diagonally up (15 degrees) and the second is diagonally down (15 degrees) in
KOF '95: The B version has only the first hit, the D version has 2 hits. Purpose:It's cool for combos because people don't normally see this kick. It takes King all the way across the screen and can sometimes avoid low projectiles. Very good for surprise attacks and also cool for attacking zoners.
Notes:It's great that they gave King this move back, a lot of people complained when she lost it in '96 for the revised edition. I'm glad that they brought it back without losing the revised Tornado Kick in KOF '99, which I think it really makes her the strongest version of King throughout the whole KOF series.
KOF '96, King losses this Tornado Kick (horizontal version), but gained these
move: Miracle Kick as well as the anti-air, revised version of Tornado Kick. Can
be used to attack Krizalid in KOF '99 immediately after blocking his Desperate
Moment (
Tornado Kick (revised version)Description:A 6 hit aerial kick (it attacks opponents at a 40 degree angle)
Purpose:A great attack if it hits. A stupid mistake if she misses. It's a great move if you anticipate your opponent jumping. but it leaves you very open if you miss.
Notes:It is a great counter if you know your opponent is going to jump at you. You should avoid using it if your opponent is grounded (there is an exception to rules like this when playing certain characters. In this case it doesn't mean that you should not use this move when the opponent is grounded, but if you anticipate the opponent is off-guard for a few seconds, then use it to your liking). It's also good when King is Knocked down and the opponent jumps at you the Tornado Kick usually will catch your opponent.
King losses this move in KOF 2000 as an very reliable anti-air attack than Surprise Rose. This makes some of the combos using the revised version of Tornado Kick cannot be used anymore in KOF 2000.
Illusion Dance (DM/SDM)Description:A rush of attacks that starts with back flip then hops forward with a downward back kick. If it connects, she follows up with multiple kicks, ending in a Trap Shot to a Tornado Kick (horizontal version in KOF '94 & '95, or revise version in KOF '96, '97, '98 & '99). In KOF 2000, it ends in a multiple jumping B attack. Purpose:You can use this move when you're on the ground from an opponent's attack. It can connects as long as it catches the opponent. Can be used to anti jumping opponent, that means, King has to catch the opponent before he/she lands on the ground. If the opponent is aggressive, use it right when you get up for a real surprise (the B version only, the D version has a really bad start time)
Notes:This move has been weakened from it's '96 counterpart. In '96 there was no startup for the B version, and the D version was faster. For the later series, only the B version is recommended for countering. With the addition of strikers, it's one of the coolest attacks to combo with. There was once I've tried King's Illusion Dance to compete with Takuma Sakazaki's Ryuuko Ranbu that has an anti-air property, and King wins!
Silent Flash (DM/SDM)Description:A very Powerful Trap Shot. If it connects (even when blocked), she follows up with more flip kicks ending in a powerful slicing upwards kick until end of screen. (personally, this is my favourite move! check the Biography section)
Purpose:Useless if you use it as an anti-air attack (even then you will miss the 2nd attacks altogether), but is very nice if use it with combos and hit your opponent with it.
Notes:This move is good when comboed, but be careful of the distance when using it. The last hit will miss if you're at a good enough distance away from your opponent. You'll be left as a sitting duck, open to massive combos.
Beat the BossesBeat Kagura:- from distance, use A, use CD attack when she jumps, repeat. - hyper jump over her, then CD or crouching D as she lands from uppercut. - from some distance, do Tornado Kick (revised version) as she charges. - from distance, use Miracle Kick to run to her, usually she will eat it, repeat.
Beat Goenitz:- hop forward, A, B, cancel into Tornado Kick, repeat. - jump forward without attacking, throw him as soon as you land. - does Venom or Double Strike when he does his Yonokaze (Hurricane), repeat. - does Venom Strike at close range, he'll teleport behind, then use crouching D. - does Double Strike from far, he'll teleport or come close, then do CD or sweep. - go to corner and charge POW meter while he does his hurricane (usually two or three), then hyper jump with CD while he charges his POW, go back to corner and taunt till his POW meter goes down, repeat. Both Goetnitz's DMs can be done at anytime even if without charge up the power gauge.
Beat Orochi- you can walk up to him at the beginning of every round and do a throw, free of charge. - best way to avoid his 6-hit projectiles is not to roll/dodge until he do it. - try not to jump to him because he can does his full screen attack DM. - if he does his "Soul Steal" DM, hop backward, and shoot a Venom Strike to him. - try not to let him corner you, or else you'll not be able to escape when he use his "Soul Steal" DM. - he is the easiest KOF boss to beat, as everyone knows. The insult to him is he is the strongest character in KOF story, but is the easiest boss to beat in game.
Beat Krizalid (1st form):- attack with strong kick, Tornado Kick (horizontal version) until Krizalid falls, get close to him and repeat. - one way to counter his Negative Anguish (fireball) is to stand 1/3 of screen from him and do Slide Kick to slide under and hit him.
Beat Krizalid (2nd form):- jump back, does Double Strike. - hyper-jump over his Typhoon Rage (Tornado) and hit with her jump CD. - hide in a corner. Once Krizalid does about 3-4 Typhoon Rage (Tornado) he'll try to do the Desperate Momentum and dash towards you. Block it and immediately do Tornado Kick (horizontal version), he'll get knocked away, repeat. - if you stand still, he'll do the Desperate Momentum and dash towards you. Block it and do Tornado Kick (revised version), repeat. - Kasumi can counter his Angelic Fire SDM version (charging forward SDM) as a striker. After she throws Krizalid, does the Illusion Dance (timing is critical).
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